How To: Scheduled Notifications


Scheduled Notifications are created to be sent at a specific time and can contain a range of content. These are perfect for in-event advertising, notification/update publishing, & helpful reminders from the Event Organisers. While Scheduled Notifications can be sent as emails, they are most often used as in-platform notifications.


  • Create Scheduled Notification



  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, select the “Events” module and then 'Events' via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.

  2. Click the black 'Actions' button and select 'Event Features' from the dropdown to access the Event Features page.

  3. Find (CTRL+F/Command+F) 'Enable User Notifications' and switch to Enabled.

  4. Scroll down and click 'Submit' - this will add a bell icon to the top menu bar of the platform and link to /notifications

  5. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, select the “Marketing” module and then “Notifications” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform

  6. Click the 'Scheduled Notifications' tab on top of the screen and then click 'Create Scheduled Notifications'.

  7. Within the 'Notification Title' field, enter what you'd like to name the Notification.

  8. Within the 'Notification Content' field, input the content for the Notification. The content should be kept short and concise (up to 250 characters).

  9. Under 'Choose Users', select the Users you'd like the Notification to be sent to. You can choose a category and/or individual Users.

  10. Under 'Choose Delegate Types', select the Delegate Type/s you'd like the Notification to be sent to. 

  11. Select Tags

  12. Within the 'Send Notification At' field, input the date and time you'd like the Notification to be sent. Please note you must input the date/time in the Event time zone.

  13. Under “Visibility” select if you want to send this notification on the evexus events website/platform ('Visible for Web'), on the evexus event app ('Visible for Mobile') or both ('Always Visible').

  14. Under 'Send Notification Via Email', untick the box if don't want the Notification to be sent via email also. We recommend against sending this as an email as it will be a short and snappy message and would come through as a very small/short email.

    1. If you would like the Notification to be sent via Email also, you'd need to Enable this Trigger Notification: pusher_notification

  15. Click 'Submit' or 'Save and Add Another'.


  • When a Notification sends, a '1' will appear in red on the bell icon on the top menu bar for applicable Delegates. The Delegate can click the bell icon on the top menu bar to navigate to their Notifications page to read the Notification (as well as view any previous Notifications).

  • We'd recommend arranging no more than 3-4 Scheduled Notifications per day so as to not overload Delegates.