How To: Create your Event
An Event represents a single "event" held by a Tenant.
The Event record contains all high level information defining the Event including names, logos, basic landing page information, dates, nomenclature (nicknames/terminology), and event colour palette.
Once you create an Event, every single item you create in the evexus event website/platform is linked to this Event record including Talks, Sessions, Live Streams, Meetings etc.
Create, edit and manage your Event.
Permissions Granted of "Global Administrator" by an evexus staff member.
Please contact your Customer Success Executive if you require access.
Within the Admin Tools Dashboard/black navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform, change module to 'Events' and then click 'Events'.
From this page, click "Create Event"
In the top right of the page, you can toggle 'basic' to 'full'. This will show you all the fields within the event website/platform to ensure you complete all the relevant fields.
Within the "Create Event" page, you can now complete all the mandatory and additional information for the Event. The below table is a list of all the fields within the Event with information/notes, examples and states if they are mandatory or not.
Once you have worked through the below table within the event website/platform, you can Submit the page. If this brings you back to the "Create a Event" page, please ensure you check through your page to rectify any error in the page and re-submit your page. If you have an error, please ensure you re upload your images and these do not "save".
Item | Mandatory | Eg. | Information / Notes |
Event Info | |||
Event Name | Yes | World Congress on Medical Oncology 2025 | The full name of the event |
Event Initials | Yes | WCMO | The Initials of the event |
Name in App | No | WCMO 2025 | The Event Name shown in the Event App. Should be less than 30 characters. |
Event Venue | Yes | Delivered Globally |
Event Format | Yes |
| Choose from the dropdown option |
Short Format Event | Yes |
| Enable or disable based on the event type. evexus to confirm short format event description. |
Event Category | Yes |
| Choose from the dropdown options if available. If you do require to use the /home page, you will need to setup the event categories. |
Moderator Email | Yes |
| Email address is copied into all submissions and updates. This email is used for the /contact page when delegates complete a contact form. |
ICal Title | No |
| This updates the title of the calendar invite which is attached to the user_import_mailer & register_account emails |
ICal Body | No |
| This updates the body of the calendar invite which is attached to the user_import_mailer & register_account emails |
Event Dates | |||
Event Time Zone | Yes |
| Enter the time zone for the event. This can not be changed after the agenda/program/schedule has been inputted. |
Event Start Date | Yes |
| In the event time zone, this will the end end of the countdown timer which can be enabled on the Home Page Header. |
Event End Date | Yes |
| In the event time zone |
Daily Start Time | Yes |
| This is 24hr time in the event time zone |
Daily End Time | Yes |
| This is 24hr time in the event time zone |
Carousel Duration | No |
| Please leave blank if you do not want a specific time |
Meta Tags | |||
Meta Title | Yes | World Congress on Medical Oncology | Enter a title shown in search engines and when sharing pages from the Platform. It is recommended to use the event name as this pulls through to the tab in the browser. |
Meta Description | Yes | The leading global gathering of Medical Oncology professionals | Enter a description shown in search engines and when sharing pages from the platform. It is recommended to use no more than two sentences. The Event Description is recommended. |
Meta Keywords | Yes | i.e. event,evexus ,virtual,conference | Enter keywords presented to search engines, separated by a comma. |
Event NomenclatureUpdating the Event Nomenclature updates any button/s linked to that function and also updates any coded heading/s linked to that Nomenclature too. Eg. If you change the Nomenclature for Talks to Talk to Presentation, this is show as "Presentation Description" and not "Talk Description" | |||
Label For The Agenda | No | i.e. Program, Schedule, Run Order. | Enter a word used to describe the event agenda. |
Label For A Theme | No | i.e. Stream, Discipline, Program Type, Specialty, Track. This is shown to Users in the event website/platform | Enter a word used to group talks, sessions, speakers. |
Label For An Agenda Category | No |
| Enter a word used to describe categories of content in the agenda. This is shown for filtering of information in the platform and is used as an additional filtering on top of themes |
Label for a Presenter | No | i.e. Speaker, Lecturer. This is shown to users in the event website/platform | Enter a word used to describe a person speaking at the event |
Label for an Author | No | i.e. Submitting Author. This is shown to users in the event website/platform | Enter a word used to describe the author of a talk. NOTE: this should not be the same word as Speakers/Presenters as authors are not necessary the same as Speakers/Presenters |
Label for a Session Moderator | No | i.e. Facilitator, MC, Host, Session Host. This is shown to users in the event website/platform | Enter a word used to describe a person who is moderating or facilitating a session at the event. |
Label for a Talk | No | i.e. Presentation, Lecture, Abstract. This is shown to users in the event website/platform | Enter a word used to describe one or more persons discussing a single topic. |
Label for an ePoster | No | i.e. Digital Poster, Poster. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe an ePoster that is available for viewing in the platform. |
Label for a Session | No | i.e. Session, Room Block. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe a block of time in a room where one or more talks are presented. |
Label for an Exhibitor | No | i.e. Exhibitor, Company. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe a company/individual who is exhibiting at the event. |
Label for an Exhibitor Partnership | No | i.e. Partner, Manufacturer. This is shown on the exhibitors page | Enter a word used to describe the companies/individuals who are associated to this exhibitor |
Label for a Sponsor | No | i.e. Supporter, Partner. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe an exhibitor that has provided monies/services in exchange for brand placement etc |
Label for an Announcement | No | i.e. Update, Blog Post. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe a published update from the event organisers to users |
Label for Video on Demand Content | No | i.e. Video on Demand, Webcast, Replay. This is shown to users in the platform | Enter a word used to describe a talk/session video that is available for on demand viewing after the event. |
Label for a Featured Item | No |
| Enter a word used to describe items that are of priority or highlighted. The featured label appears on all Featured Talks, Session, Exhibitors, Speakers etc. |
Label for a virtual Attendee | No |
| Enter a word to display on a badge for a virtual or online registration, ie. Online, Virtual. This is shown on the users profile when the event feature 'hybrid' is enabled. This also shows on the registration landing page on the button. |
Label for an in person Attendee | No |
| Enter a word to display on a badge for a in person registration, ie. Onsite. This is shown on the users profile when the event feature 'hybrid' is enabled. This also shows on the registration landing page on the button. |
Label for Surveys | No | i.e. Quiz. | Enter a word used to describe a survey that is available for users to complete. |
Label for CPD | No | i.e. CME | Enter a word used to describe CPD activity, i.e. CPD, Accreditation. This is shown to users in the platform. |
Event Contact Details | |||
Contact Us Instructions | No |
| Enter instructions shown to delegates above the Contact Us form.(/contact) These instructions should include any expectations from a delegate and how the submissions will be handled/responded to. |
Event Styling & Appearance | |||
Header Font | Yes | Montserrat | Define a custom Google Fonts font for heading. Must be entered correctly *Case-Sensitive*. Defaults to Montserrat |
Body Font | Yes | Poppins | Define a custom Google Fonts font for heading. Must be entered correctly *Case-Sensitive*. Defaults to Source Sans Pro |
Primary Colour | Yes |
| Primary colour of the event brand formatted as HEX. This is used as the primary highlight colour throughout the platform. Places this is shown is hyperlinks, timezone banner, all buttons, homepage hero overlay (this is a gradient with the secondary colour), featured tags. |
Secondary Colour | Yes |
| Secondary colour of the event brand formatted as HEX. This is used as a secondary highlight colour throughout the platform. This should be a different colour to the primary colour and be a suitable match for highlights. These are often shown together. It's highly recommended to make this a dark colour for hyperlink hover, it's suggested not to use white. |
Page Background Colour | Yes |
| Page background colour formatted as HEX. This is used as a background colour on certain pages of the platform. It is highly recommended to not set this, or use #FFFFFF for a pure white background. |
Section Header Text Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for page section header text formatted as HEX. Page section header text is shown against a white background so dark colours are recommended |
Top & Sub-Nav Menu Background Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for menu backgrounds formatted as HEX. The top menu & subnav menus will use this colour |
Side Menu Background Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for left side menu background formatted as HEX. |
Side Menu Text Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for left side menu text formatted as HEX. It's suggested to use a colour which will show against your Side Menu Background Colour. Eg, Navy Blue Background with White Text & Icons. |
Side Menu Icon Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for left side menu icons formatted as HEX. It's suggested to use a colour which will show against your Side Menu Background Colour. Eg, Navy Blue Background with White Text & Icons. |
Profile Side Menu Text Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for the right side text formatted as HEX. It's suggested to make this black, #000000. |
Header Text Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for page header text formatted as HEX. The default header background colour is white, so it's suggested to use a dark colour here to contrast. |
Menu Text Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for custom menu and featured text formatted as HEX. It's suggested to use a colour which will show against your Top & Sub-Nav Menu Background Colour Eg, Navy Blue Background with White Text & Icons. |
Menu Icon Colour | Yes |
| Colour used for custom menu and featured icons formatted as HEX. It's suggested to use a colour which will show against your Top & Sub-Nav Menu Background Colour Eg, Navy Blue Background with White Text & Icons. |
Scroll & Loading Bar Colour | Yes |
| Scroll & Loading Bar colour formatted as HEX i.e. #ED017F. This is used as the scroll and page loading bar. It is highly recommended to not set this, or use a colour that contrasts the other. |
Fallback Images | No |
| Upload one or more images to be used where images are not uploaded to each talk/sponsor etc. These act as a default image and should match your event or organisation brand |
Home Page Content | |||
Event Hero Tagline | Yes | The leading global gathering of Medical Oncology professionals | This font is white and is 36px. This section of font is case sensitive and will show on the platform as written. |
Event Hero Header Line | Yes | Join Us For | This font is white and is 13px. This is also capitalised. |
Event Hero Sub Header | Yes | Powered by evexus | This font is white and is 30px. This section of font is case sensitive and will show on the platform as written. |
Google Maps Venue URL | No |
| This field is not currently in use. |
Home Page Hero Background Video | No |
| This section only accepts Vimeo URLS. |
Calendar ICS File |
| This field is not currently in use. |
Hero Cover Image | Yes |
| This section on the homepage is responsive, therefore the suggested image size and type ie: 1600 x 900px and it's also suggested to use an image without text to ensure this is responsive on all screen sizes and devices. If you use an image with text, there is a chance it will be cut off when the screen size is smaller. For example; viewing the platform on a tablet or mobile device. |
Home Page Featured Video | No |
| This section only accept Vimeo or YouTube URLS. |
CTA Text | No |
| This section accepts HTML. This gives you the opportunity to change the Font Styles, input URLS, hyperlink email addresses, add in additional images, just to name a handful. When both text and image are inputted into this section, the text is to the left and image is to the right |
CTA Image | No |
| When both text and image are inputted into this section, the text is to the left and image is to the right |
About Header | No but suggested |
| This section accepts HTML. This gives you the opportunity to change the Font Styles, input URLS, hyperlink email addresses, add in additional images, just to name a handful. It's good practice to format this to be a header style as the default text size is quite small. Suggestions are to use Header 2 or 3. This depends on how large you require this header to be. Below is the "template" to make these header styled. <h3> About the Event </h3> |
About Text | No but suggested |
| This section accepts HTML. This gives you the opportunity to change the Font Styles, input URLS, hyperlink email addresses, add in additional images, just to name a handful. When both text and image are inputted into this section, the text is to the left and image is to the right. When only text is inputted, this will sit across the page. |
About Image | No but suggested |
| When both text and image are inputted into this section, the text is to the left and image is to the right |
Footer Text | No but suggested |
| This section accepts HTML. This gives you the opportunity to change the Font Styles, input URLS, hyperlink email addresses, just to name a handful. This is shown at the bottom of the platform. Within the Event Features, you can either enable or disable text only footer. |
Custom HTML | No |
| Custom content for the homepage HTML section |
Event Images | |||
Meta Logo | Yes |
| Square JPG image used as the meta logo. Meta Logo relates to Google Search Engines and also relates to Meta Tags. |
Menu Icon | Yes |
| This is the image in the top left corner of your platform. It's recommenced to use a square image or a rectangle image with large text so this is still readable. |
Favicon | No but suggested if different to the Tenant favicon. |
| Square JPG image to be used as the favicon. It's suggested for this image/logo to have no text as it's quite small. If not favicon is uploaded, the platform will default to the favicon in the tenant. |
App Icon | No |
| This is not currently in use. |
App Banner | No |
| This image will show as the banner image for the Evexus App. |
Holding slide images | No |
| Upload the images of holding slides you want displayed before Sessions and during intermissions |
Title slide background image | No |
| Provide an image to be displayed behind the dynamically created title slides for Sessions and Talks. This will be the globally used background image unless overridden. |
Holding slide duration | No |
| Specify the amount of time you want each slide to display for, this is a global setting which will apply to all sessions and talks unless overridden |
Session title slide CSS |
| Provide the custom CSS styling for Session title slides, this is a global setting which will apply to all sessions unless overridden |
Talk title slide CSS |
| Provide the custom CSS styling for Talk title slides, this is a global setting which will apply to all talks unless overridden |
Event Configuration | |||
Status | Choose between Enabled and Disabled |
| Event Status should always be Enabled unless the Event has been completed and archived |
Landing Page | Choose between Enabled and Disabled | Landing Page should always be Disabled. On default, this is set to TRUE so this needs to be updated. | |
Public | Choose between Public and Draft |
| Select the event status: Public or Draft. Please set the event to Public if you want all users and visitors to see the event. If the event is in Draft mode, only evexus/global admins will be able to view the event. |
Default | Choose between Enabled and Disabled |
| Default sets the Default Event if there are multiple Active Events to choose from. There can only be one Default Event |
Appears in Choose Event Dropdown | Choose between Enabled and Disabled |
| Configure the event access in choose event dropdown |
Billable Options | |||
These options are only available to super admins and affect billable options. Modify with care! | |||
Evexus User Support |
| Enabling this option turns on end user support in the event website/platform. This does not need to be enabled/disabled at this stage of the build unless it has been communicated to do so. |
Private Chat |
| Enabling this option turns on the chat feature in the event website/platform. This only affects private direct chat and does not disable live stream chat. This does not need to be enabled/disabled at this stage of the build unless it has been communicated to do so. |
Video Meetings |
| Enabling this option turns on the direct video meeting and meeting scheduling features in the event website/platform. This does not need to be enabled/disabled at this stage of the build unless it has been communicated to do so. |
Next Steps
Once you have created your event, you can now proceed with setting up the remaining elements of your event.
Event Features
To the right of your event, click 'Actions' and then click 'Event Features'. This is where you can enable/disable many event features for your upcoming event. Click the following link for more information: About: Event Features
Change your module to 'Event Config' and then click 'Home Page'
Homepage Buttons - this is where you can create buttons on the hero image
Homepage Sections - this is where you can enable and disable specific homepage sections
This is where you can create, move or edit your menu icons which show on the left hand side, and also in the top right. Click the following link for more information: How To: Menus
This is where you can create and edit custom pages. Click the following link for more information: How To: Pages
Page Headers
This is where you can create and edit page headers. Click the following link for more information: How To: Page Headers
Once all mandatory and relevant fields are completed, you will have now created your Event. From here, you can move onto updating your Event Features, Creating Engaging Event Experiences, Customising your Event Content and adding in all of your Event Content.