How To: Access Admin Tools

How To: Access Admin Tools


Access the Admin Tools within the evexus event website/platform


  • Permissions granted of "Global Administrator" 


  1. On the landing page of the Platform, click "LOG IN" which is in the top right of the platform


  2. Once you click this, it will now bring you to the login page


  3. From here, you can now input your details to login to the evexus event website/platform. Once you have inputted your details, you can now press the ‘Log In’ button. 

  • Please note: external users & evexus staff have different ways of logging into the event website/platform 

    • Clients: Email & Password

    • Evexus Staff: Evexus Staff Login

  1. Once you have logged in, you will now see your initials at the top right of the screen.

  2. From here, you need to click your initials in the top right which will then show the dropdown menus  within this list, it will show an option of "Admin Tools" which you will need to click.

  1. Once you click "Admin Tools" it will bring you to the backend/admin dashboard of the platform. 


Once all steps are complete, you will be able to access the Admin Tools Dashboard within the platform.


Please note: You are required to have Global Administrator Access Granted to your User Profile to be able to access the Admin Tools Dashboard. If you cannot see "Admin Tools", this means you do not have access. If this is the case and you require access, please contact the evexus Customer Success Executive to request this.