How To: Home Page Buttons


This function allows you to add Buttons to appear on top of the Hero Header on the Home Page. Utilising this prominent position is a great opportunity to include a link to a page you'd like to champion.


  • Create a Button to appear on the Home Page (sits within the Hero Header section).





  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard select the “Event Config” module and then “Home Page” in the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform

  2. Click the 'Home Page Buttons' tab on top of the screen and then “Create Home Page Button”

  3. Within the 'Button Label' field, enter the label to appear on the Button (please note that it will display in uppercase).

  4. Within the 'Button Link' field, enter the URL you'd like the Button to link to - the URL can be a link to a page within your evexus event website/platform or a link to an external website.

  5. Open Home Page Button in a New Tab - choose either enabled or disabled.

  6. Click 'Submit' or 'Save and Add Another'.

Tip: We'd recommend inputting a short and snappy label for your Button so that it displays nicely on the Home Page.



Button/s to appear on the Home Page within the Hero Header section.