How To: Access Speaker Tools as a Speaker


For remote speakers, and in particular, remote moderators attending a virtual/hybrid event, they have the opportunity to access the back-end of the event platform to:

  • Access and/or answer/manage audience questions

  • View the audience chat stream

  • Create / Launch audience polls

  • View the session agenda, and read speaker biographies.



  • The event platform has been discussed between the account manager and event organiser, deciding on assets and functionality

  • The 'Watch Live' section for the live stream has been created by the account manager.



  1. Follow the platform URL link sent by your account manager to access your platform.

  2. Once on the platform, consult your login information (sent by account manager) and click the 'Log In' button on the top right of your browser. Once on the log in page, fill in your email and password information.


  3. Once on the log in page, fill in your email and password information.



  4. Now that you've logged in, move your cursor to the 'Watch Live' button.


  5. You have now entered the live stream section of the platform. The large window in the middle of the browser is where the live stream will play during the event. 

    If these items are included, the delegate 'chat' will be located to the right of the window and a 'Question' section lower down the page.


  6. Above the live stream window, click the coloured icon that that reads 'ACCESS SPEAKER TOOLS'.

  7. You have now entered the 'back-end' of the platform. This area is used to control admin only elements of the platform, including chat, delegate questions, polling and more.

    This specific area of the back-end, referred to as 'speaker tools', contains useful items that be accessed by speakers during the event. 


  8. The live stream can still be viewed in this area. The window is much smaller and can be paused at any time.

  9. If delegates will be entering questions during the live stream, they will slowly start to appear in the 'Questions' section. You will be able to read the questions, the item it's connected to and the delegates name.

    You have the option to write an answer to the question by clicking the 'Respond' button.

    Once done, you may write your answer in the next window that has appeared.

  10. At the bottom of the page, you will find the agenda list of every item for the event date.


  11. If you run into any issues on the platform and require a quick response, you can use the pink 'chat' bubble at the bottom of the browser to speak with our concierge team.



By following these instructions, you can now confidently use the 'Speaker Tools' function in the Evexus platform. If you have any additional questions, you can speak to the Support Desk on the day of your event through pink chat bubble.