Content Guide

1.1 Preparing content for your Evexus event

If Arinex Live is delivering or assisting the delivery of your event, there are a number of content assets we require.
This guide will describe what you will need and the best ways for you to create and format the media for your event. The guide provides visual examples, demonstrating formatting and technical considerations for your most important event content.

This article outlines the content that event managers are typically responsible for that support the delivery of the event. It is important to note that speaker presentation slides are a separate type of asset, treated separately in the delivery your event, and are not referred to in this article.

1.2 Event Holding Slides

  • Holding slides act like an on-stage curtain, allowing speakers and moderators to prepare themselves for the session ahead.

  • All event slides (individual sponsor slides, housekeeping, etc.) are to be provided within a single PowerPoint Presentation or a series of PNG images.

  • If providing a PowerPoint file, please have the slides in the order you would like for them to be played on event day. Keep in mind that in order for them to be loaded into our playback system, the slides will be exported as flattened images, so please avoid transitions and animations as they will not work.

  • All content at Evexus is run in 16:9 widescreen format. Playing content of other aspect ratios may result in black areas around the picture. This applies to slides and to movies.

  • For the technically minded, the best settings are 1920*1080 pixels in size.

1.3 General Holding Slides

The size and style of your event will dictate the number of general event slides you use for the event. General event slides are different from presentation slides (the slides used by speakers for their individual presentations).

A general holding slide is one that can be used for the duration of the event. This can act as filler if we need to get a presenter ready or as a break for the audience.

1.4 Background Slide

  • The background slide is used underneath camera and presentation content.

  • We recommend that these are more simple, even just a solid colour or gradient with a small logo. Please remember that holding slides and other media will go over the background, which can result in the doubling-up of design elements and imagery if you make the background too busy.

  • Think of them as just an alternative to empty space behind camera and presentation windows. These must conform to these sizing guidelines to avoid logos being covered.


Livestream Background "Safe Area" - Place Logos or Text Here:


Livestream Background "Unsafe Area" - Do Not Place Logos or Text Here:


1.5 Optional Slide Content

Title Slides

We highly recommend the use of Title slides, especially if you have consecutive remote speaker presentations. Transitioning between speakers takes a moment in any scenario - remote or in-venue - so it is very useful and necessary to have title slides to present to the audience during this changeover. If title slides aren't provided, the operator will simply use the generic full-screen holding slide at this time.  

Session/Break Slides

Session Slides are used before a new session begins. They are particularly useful for audience members joining the program after the start time of the broadcast. These slides help the audience understand what session they are in, and where it fits in the agenda.

Zoom/Webcam Backgrounds

Please note that if you intend to have your Zoom guests use a Virtual Background in their Zoom camera image, it shouldn't contain logos or important information near the edges. This is because the camera feed coming from Zoom will be slightly cropped to ensure a clean, professional image free of icons, interface elements etc.

1.6 Presentation Slides

Presentation slides are always controlled by the speaker and for remote speakers, the speaker is also responsible for sharing their own slides. Below is a quick explanation of different types of speakers and how their presentation slides are managed.

  • Remote Live Speaker-Remote speaker shares their own slides via a share screen capability.

  • Pre-Recorded Speaker-N/A - Their slides were already shared by the presenter when they recorded their presentation.

  • In-Venue Live Speaker-Multiple options depending on In Venue technical setup, and pre-production plan.

1.7 Video Content

  • All content at Evexus is run in 16:9 widescreen format. Playing content of other aspect ratios may result in black areas around the picture. This applies to slides and to movies.

  • The best format for movie files is an .mp4 file. For the technically minded, the best settings are 1920*1080 pixels in size and with a refresh rate of 25fps or 50fps. Other formats can be played but may result in sub-optimal playback performance.

  • Please ensure the start and end of all of your movies have been trimmed to exclude false starts, extended silence on the end etc. All movie files will be played in their entirety, so please make sure they're good to go.

Common Types of Video Content

Evexus is capable of using correctly supplied video content at any point in an event. Simply identify the Item in your run sheet as video, supplying the file name and it will be played in sequence for your audience.

Common types of video content include:

  • Pre-recorded Speaker Presentations

  • Sponsor / Advertising videos

1.8 Naming Your Content

It's very important that file names are clear and unique. This is because when you write your runsheet we require explicit file names for every piece of content to be played. Please make sure that the filenames are of the final, "show ready" file. Avoid file names that are only people's names as they can often present more than once throughout an event. Some good examples might be:

  • John Smith Thurs 1400.mp4

  • John Smith PresentationName.mp4

  • Thurs 1400 John Smith.mp4

  • R01S02 1400 John Smith.mp4 (Indicating Room01, Session02, time, name)

If you provide your slide content (such as title slides or holding slides) as a PowerPoint file, please list these files on your run sheet as “Slide 1”, “Slide 2” etc. to match up with the filenames after they’ve been exported to images. Alternatively, you could provide all your slides as PNG images with more relevant file names such as “Holding Slide.png” or “John Smith Title.png”.